A man looking unwell due to a new food intolerance after he has had gastroenteritis, a stomach infection. He is looking at a sandwich looking ill

A Common Stomach Problem Causes New Food Intolerances

A Common Stomach Problem Causes New Food Intolerances By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   Food intolerances are common. Over 20% of people have unwanted symptoms after eating.  Problems such as bloating, heartburn, cramping, or other digestive complaints are frequently labeled “ a sensitive stomach”…


Osteopathic Medicine: What Is A D.O. ?

What Is Osteopathic Medicine?Is It Legitimate? And what Is a D.O.? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   What is osteopathic medicine,? What is a DO? Are these types of doctors “legitimate” health care providers? Osteopathic medicine is a branch of modern medicine and is…

Hands holding a rock that says hope. This is to signify there is hope for people with mast cell activation disorder, also known as MCAS

El síndrome de activación mastocitaria : SAM

El síndrome de activación mastocitaria : SAMUn motivo de la presencia de algunos síndromes del intestino irritable, sarpullidos, dolores de cabeza, dolores y más By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   Se cree que el síndrome de activación mastocitaria / SAM (MCAS, por sus siglas…

Gluten Free Trip to Ecuador

Gluten Free In Ecuador

Traveling Gluten-Free In Ecuador Updated November 2022 Gluten-free travel tips for Ecuador are scarce. To make traveling to Ecuador easier for the next gluten-free traveler, I decided to diverge from my usual medical articles and share information about traveling gluten-free in Ecuador. It is…