Articles- The Celiac MD Ⓡ

Food Intolerance vs. Food Sensitivity

Food Intolerance vs. Food Sensitivity By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Food Allergy, Intolerance, Sensitivity; What is the difference? Food intolerance, food sensitivity, food allergy; the terms are similar but their explanations and treatment are different. The words are frequently used interchangeably by the general…

Young woman holding coffee cup and kleenex who has gluten sensitivity symptoms and is still sick. Gluten free symptoms-ongoing are common

Symptoms After Going “Gluten Free”? Here’s Why

5 Reasons For Ongoing Symptoms On A Gluten-Free Diet By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Are You On A Gluten Free Diet But Still Have Symptoms? Do you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease? Have you removed gluten from your diet and still don’t feel…

Woman standing on a whole body vibration plate to do exercise and experience whole body vibration therapy and vibration plate benefits. Warable vibration devices have benefits too

Do Wearables & Whole Body Vibration Plates Improve Health?

Vibration Plates & WearablesCan They Help Anxiety, Sleep, Bones, Tinnitus, Or Gut Health?Quackery or Solid Science? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD At first glance, talking about vibration plates, whole-body vibration therapy, and wearables might conjure up visions of tie-dye t-shirts and flower power posters.…