La Dieta Baja En Histamina

La Dieta Baja En Histamina¿Qué es y funciona? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   La dieta baja en histamina se usa para tratar problemas como erupciones cutáneas, dolores de cabeza, hinchazón y síntomas prolongados de COVID-19. La intolerancia a la histamina (HIT) es una…

broken red lip image to mimic pain that may be caused by both canker and cold sores. And how does gluten affect either?

Cold Sores Vs. Canker Sores and Gluten

Canker Sore Vs. Cold SoreDoes gluten cause them? And how are they different? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Canker sores vs. cold sores, how are they different? And how are canker sores and cold sores affected by gluten? Many consider both canker sores and…

Vitamin Toxicity And Gluten Free Diet- Image is three containers that look like fruit that are overflowing with vitamins and supplements

Four Vitamin Toxicities on a Gluten-Free Diet

The Danger Of Vitamin Toxicity On A Gluten-Free Diet By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2023 A gluten-free diet can lead to vitamin deficiencies. This is well known. But what about vitamin toxicities in a gluten-free dieter? Why would this happen? Vitamin D, iron,…