Gluten Free Category

100% worldwide gluten-free restaurant guide

World-wide 100 Percent Gluten Free Restaurant Guide

I am so excited to launch my new world-wide 100% gluten-free restaurant guide. It is free! Traveling is one of my passions, quizzing restaurants regarding food preparation is not. Since this project started three years ago, the number of dining options that are 100%…

girl scooping gelato 100 percent gluten free gelateria

100 Percent Gluten Free Gelateria

On our first day in Italy someone twisted my arm and made me try the gelato….We opted for a 100 percent gluten free gelateria we happened to find.  It was well deserved of the line out the door. The wait was short and the…

fruit and vegetables in a grocery cart that represent 10 tips for a healthy gluten free diet

10 Tips for a Healthy Gluten-Free Diet

10 Tips for a Healthy Gluten-Free Diet By Amy Burkhart MD, RD The gluten-free diet has become the national punch line in cartoons and late-night comedy. As a result, people who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity encounter skepticism about their need to…

boy looking surprised about a test to monitor gluten exposure

Got Glutened? Are You Sure?

Have You Been “Glutened“?Can a home test help you find out if gluten is causing your symptoms? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Got ” glutened”? Is there a way, to determine if gluten is the reason you aren’t feeling well? A company marketing an…

supplements to digest gluten in a bowl

Are supplements to digest gluten safe and useful?

Supplements To Digest Gluten By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Are the enzyme supplements to digest gluten safe? Do they work? Can we use them? Is there any risk? Many variations of these products are being offered, and people are buying them. However, we will…