Autoimmune Disease

Osteopathic Medicine: What Is A D.O. ?

What Is Osteopathic Medicine?Is It Legitimate? And what Is a D.O.? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   What is osteopathic medicine,? What is a DO? Are these types of doctors “legitimate” health care providers? Osteopathic medicine is a branch of modern medicine and is…

Chicken Skin ¿El gluten causa queratosis pilaris (piel de gallina)?

Gluten And Keratosis Pilaris AKA Chicken Skin Rash

Does Gluten Cause Keratosis Pilaris (a.k.a. Chicken Skin)? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   Chicken skin is a term commonly used for the skin condition keratosis pilaris. According to “Dr. Google,” this rash on the backs of arms, cheeks, and thighs is made worse…

sucrose intolerance diet

The Sucrose Intolerance Diet: How To Get Started

The Sucrose Intolerance Diet may help relieve gut symptoms. New research finds that over a third of people with IBS and diarrhea may have sucrose intolerance. With over 35 million people in the U.S. alone suffering from IBS, that is a lot of sucrose…

Gluten In oat milk- is your oat milk latte gluten free?

Are Oats Gluten-Free?

Are Oats Gluten Free? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Even in 2023, confusion still surrounds oats and the gluten-free diet. Are oats gluten-free (GF)? How much is safe? Is oat milk gluten-free? Do people on a gluten-free diet need only to eat oats labeled…