Celiac Disease

Woman sneezing after eating pizza. She may have histamine intolerance

Histamine Intolerance: Symptoms, Diet & Treatment

By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Histamine IntoleranceAre Foods Causing Histamine Intolerance Symptoms?2024What Is Histamine Intolerance? Histamine intolerance (HIT) is thought to be related to a build-up of histamine. Histamine intolerance is a condition in which the body has difficulty breaking down histamine, a natural…

Magnesium and sleep go hand in hand. What types of magnesium are best for sleep. White bed with no person in it

Magnesium For Sleep; Which Types Of Magnesium Help Sleep?

Which Types Of Magnesium Are Best For Sleep?Clarifying The Different Types Of Magnesium And Their Uses By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Magnesium deficiency, a widespread issue, poses significant risks to our well-being. As the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies, magnesium plays a…

Fonio grain with vegetables in a bowl

Fonio: A New Gluten-free Grain

FonioA Gluten-Free Superfood By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   Fonio is a staple “grain” in West African countries and is slowly gaining popularity in the US. It is packed with nutrition, and flavor, and adds a new twist to any kitchen. It may not…

Wine and cheese being served on a tray. Both can trigger symptoms in mast cell activation syndrome / MCAS. These can trigger MCAS symptoms

MCAS Symptoms: Headaches, Hives, Heartburn & More

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)MCAS Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment By Amy Burkhart MD, RD MCAS Is A Mast Cell Disorder Mast cells are part of our immune system. Mast cells are found everywhere in the body. Mast cells are front-line soldiers in our body’s immune…

What is pots syndrome. A woman with POTS after covid is laying on a couch with her feet up in the air

POTS Syndrome Symptoms & Covid Connection

POTS Syndrome SymptomsPOTS Syndrome and Its Connection to COVID By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is making headlines, especially as more cases appear after COVID-19 infections—even in people with mild or asymptomatic cases. But what exactly is POTS syndrome? What…