Celiac Disease

POTS and gluten. A young woman lies on a bench wearing compression stockings. A gluten free diet may help pots

POTS Syndrome And Gluten: A Connection

POTS Syndrome And GlutenDoes Gluten Worsen Pots Syndrome Symptoms? POTS syndrome is linked to gluten and may also be connected to autoimmune disorders. POTS, a form of dysautonomia, has also been identified as a common symptom of long-haul COVID. Removing gluten from the diet…


Tests For Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance/Sensitivity

Testing For Celiac Disease And Gluten Intolerance By Amy Burkhart MD, RD How do you test for celiac disease and gluten intolerance? The information on this topic can be dizzying. Let’s simplify it. Celiac Disease Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that occurs in…

Couple reading a gluten free label on packaging

What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 2024 Update

What Is Gluten-Free? What We Know And What's New? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD What does gluten-free mean? It is still everywhere: labels, menus, podcasts, and apps.  Let’s explain what gluten is and what gluten-free means in 2024. Let’s catch up on new information…

migraine headache after eating gluten. Young woman lying on floor holding head and stomach

Can Gluten Cause Migraine Headaches?

Does Gluten Trigger Migraines? By Amy Burkhart MD RD Does gluten cause migraine headaches? Headaches, including migraine headaches, are a common complaint amongst people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Twenty-five percent of people with gluten intolerance report migraine headaches. .A 2018 study found…

Unique gluten free gifts can come in any shape, size or idea. This is a picture of a box wrapped wtih red ribbon and with a heart in front of it

Unique Gluten Free Gifts; Baskets, Gadgets, and More!

Find the perfect gluten-free gift idea here By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2025   Are you looking for unique gluten-free gifts for friends or family who follow a gluten-free diet? Want something special? Look no further.  Here are options to fit any budget.…