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migraine headache after eating gluten. Young woman lying on floor holding head and stomach

Can Gluten Cause Migraine Headaches?

Does Gluten Trigger Migraines? By Amy Burkhart MD RD Does gluten cause migraine headaches? Headaches, including migraine headaches, are a common complaint amongst people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Twenty-five percent of people with gluten intolerance report migraine headaches. .A 2018 study found…

Woman sneezing after eating pizza. She may have histamine intolerance

Histamine Intolerance: Symptoms, Diet & Treatment

By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Histamine IntoleranceAre Foods Causing Histamine Intolerance Symptoms?2024What Is Histamine Intolerance? Histamine intolerance (HIT) is thought to be related to a build-up of histamine. Histamine intolerance is a condition in which the body has difficulty breaking down histamine, a natural…

dry farm wine is all the rage. Dry farm wines in this image of friends clinking glasses of wine over a picnic table

Are Dry Farm Wines Healthier Than Regular Wines?

Dry Farm WinesAre they really natural, sugar-free and healthier than traditional wine? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD *Thank you to winemaker Chris Carpenter of Cardinale wines for his consultation on this article. Dry farm wines are all the rage in Napa Valley, celebrity circles,…

Fonio grain with vegetables in a bowl

Fonio: A New Gluten-free Grain

FonioA Gluten-Free Superfood By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   Fonio is a staple “grain” in West African countries and is slowly gaining popularity in the US. It is packed with nutrition, and flavor, and adds a new twist to any kitchen. It may not…

Vitamin Toxicity And Gluten Free Diet- Image is three containers that look like fruit that are overflowing with vitamins and supplements

Four Vitamin Toxicities on a Gluten-Free Diet

The Danger Of Vitamin Toxicity On A Gluten-Free Diet By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2023 A gluten-free diet can lead to vitamin deficiencies. This is well known. But what about vitamin toxicities in a gluten-free dieter? Why would this happen? Vitamin D, iron,…