
Prolon aka the fasting mimicking diet includes real food such as this bowl of soup and mimicks a fast without the side effects.

Fasting Mimicking Diet (Prolon): What Is It? Does It Work?

ProLon Fasting Mimicking DietEating while fasting? How does that work?Updated 2025 By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   The ProLon fasting mimicking diet is the newest form of fasting. Research states the fasting mimicking diet may decrease your biological age by 2.5 years, help autoimmune…

low histamine diet bowl of blueberries, mango, granola, coconut, almonds

The Low Histamine Diet: What Is It And Does It Work?

The Low Histamine DietWhat Foods Can You Eat? Does It Help? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2024 The low histamine diet is being used to treat problems such as rashes, headaches, bloating, and long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, and histamine intolerance (HIT). For those suffering from…

Leaky Gut Diets Which is best- image of many types of food next to writing of different diets such as paleo, aip, whole 30 and gluten free

Leaky Gut Diet: Which Diet Best Heals Your Gut?

Which Diet Helps Heal A Leaky Gut? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2024   A leaky gut has been linked to chronic disease and inflammation, negatively impacting your overall health. Information regarding leaky gut and ideal treatments is controversial and confusing. How do…

dry farm wine is all the rage. Dry farm wines in this image of friends clinking glasses of wine over a picnic table

Are Dry Farm Wines Healthier Than Regular Wines?

Dry Farm WinesAre they really natural, sugar-free and healthier than traditional wine? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD *Thank you to winemaker Chris Carpenter of Cardinale wines for his consultation on this article. Dry farm wines are all the rage in Napa Valley, celebrity circles,…