Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance is a condition in which the body has difficulty breaking down histamine, a natural compound made by the body’s immune system. Histamine plays a role in allergic reactions, inflammation, and regulating stomach acid, among other functions. Articles related to histamine intolerance are found here.

Test Fodmap diet with foods on the low fodmap diet which can help IBS and gluten sensitivity

A Low FODMAP Diet Helps IBS & Gluten Sensitivity.

The Low FODMAP Diet Improves IBS Symptoms More Than Medication By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2024 A  new study found a low-fodmap diet more helpful than medication in decreasing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Just four weeks on a low-FODMAP diet…

low histamine diet bowl of blueberries, mango, granola, coconut, almonds

The Low Histamine Diet: What Is It And Does It Work?

The Low Histamine DietWhat Foods Can You Eat? Does It Help? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2024 The low histamine diet is being used to treat problems such as rashes, headaches, bloating, and long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, and histamine intolerance (HIT). For those suffering from…

fasting mimicking diet red plate with a knife and fork and a clock. no food on the plae

Fasting Mimicking Diet (Prolon): What Is It? Does It Work?

Fasting Mimicking Diet( aka Prolon)Eating while fasting? How does that work?Updated March 2024 By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   The Prolon fasting-mimicking diet is the newest form of the ancient practice of fasting. New research states that it may decrease your biological age by…

migraine headache after eating gluten. Young woman lying on floor holding head and stomach

Can Gluten Cause Migraine Headaches?

Does Gluten Trigger Migraines? By Amy Burkhart MD RD Does gluten cause migraine headaches? Headaches, including migraine headaches, are a common complaint amongst people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Twenty-five percent of people with gluten intolerance report migraine headaches. .A 2018 study found…


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