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fasting mimicking diet red plate with a knife and fork and a clock. no food on the plae

Fasting Mimicking Diet (Prolon): What Is It? Does It Work?

Fasting Mimicking Diet( aka Prolon)Eating while fasting? How does that work?Updated March 2024 By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   The Prolon fasting-mimicking diet is the newest form of the ancient practice of fasting. New research states that it may decrease your biological age by…

Woman sneezing after eating pizza. She may have histamine intolerance

Histamine Intolerance: Symptoms, Diet & Treatment

By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Histamine IntoleranceAre Foods Causing Histamine Intolerance Symptoms?Updated 2024What Is Histamine Intolerance? Histamine intolerance (HIT) is thought to be related to a build-up of histamine. Histamine intolerance is a condition in which the body has difficulty breaking down histamine, a…

dry farm wine is all the rage. Dry farm wines in this image of friends clinking glasses of wine over a picnic table

Are Dry Farm Wines Healthier Than Regular Wines?

Dry Farm WinesAre they really natural, sugar-free and healthier than traditional wine? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD *Thank you to winemaker Chris Carpenter of Cardinale wines for his consultation on this article. Dry farm wines are all the rage in Napa Valley, celebrity circles,…

Garclic is a common low fodmap food. Couple is eating pizza containing gluten and garlic

FODMAP Foods ( NOT Gluten) Cause “Gluten” Sensitivity

FODMAP Foods ( NOT Gluten) Cause Most Gluten SensitivityThe Low FODMAP Diet May Be Needed To Treat Gluten Sensitivity By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Researchers investigating gluten sensitivity were surprised to discover that the majority of individuals experiencing symptoms after consuming wheat were not reacting…