Celiac Diagnosis & Testing

Ten Positive Aspects of a Celiac Disease Diagnosis

The Upside Of A Celiac Disease DiagnosisThe positives of a celiac diagnosis By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   A new diagnosis of celiac disease is life-changing. But, it is important to remember these changes can be positive. The positive aspects of a celiac disease…

Integrative medicine doctor, celiac doctor, registerd dietitian celiac physician Amy Burkhart

A Celiac Diagnosis Is Often Missed

It may not be IBS, migraines, or chronic fatigueIt might be celiac disease By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Celiac disease is sneaky; symptoms are not always in the digestive system. A celiac diagnosis is not always easy to make. My story is no different.…

boy looking surprised about a test to monitor gluten exposure

Got Glutened? Are You Sure?

Have You Been “Glutened“?Can a home test help you find out if gluten is causing your symptoms? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Got ” glutened”? Is there a way, to determine if gluten is the reason you aren’t feeling well? A company marketing an…

Causes celiac disease woman with arms in air saying why

What Causes Celiac Disease?

What Is The Cause Of Celiac Disease?One possible answer By Amy Burkhart MD, RD What causes celiac disease? How can someone who has eaten gluten their entire life suddenly become ill after ingesting it? Researchers may be close to finding an answer to these…