Couple reading a gluten free label on packaging

What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 2024 Update

What Is Gluten-Free? What We Know And What's New? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD What does gluten-free mean? It is still everywhere: labels, menus, podcasts, and apps.  Let’s explain what gluten is and what gluten-free means in 2024. Let’s catch up on new information…

Low histamine diet, low histamine foods veg soup in a glass bowl

The Low Histamine Diet: What Is It And Does It Work?

The Low Histamine DietWhat Foods Can You Eat? Does It Help? By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Updated 2024 The low histamine diet is being used to treat problems such as rashes, headaches, bloating, and long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, and histamine intolerance (HIT). For those suffering from…

fasting mimicking diet red plate with a knife and fork and a clock. no food on the plae

Fasting Mimicking Diet (Prolon): What Is It? Does It Work?

Fasting Mimicking Diet( aka Prolon)Eating while fasting? How does that work?Updated March 2024 By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   The Prolon fasting-mimicking diet is the newest form of the ancient practice of fasting. New research states that it may decrease your biological age by…

Garclic is a common low fodmap food. Couple is eating pizza containing gluten and garlic

FODMAP Foods ( NOT Gluten) Cause “Gluten” Sensitivity

FODMAP Foods ( NOT Gluten) Cause Most Gluten SensitivityThe Low FODMAP Diet May Be Needed To Treat Gluten Sensitivity By Amy Burkhart MD, RD Researchers investigating gluten sensitivity were surprised to discover that the majority of individuals experiencing symptoms after consuming wheat were not reacting…

Wine and cheese being served on a tray. Both can trigger symptoms in mast cell activation syndrome / MCAS. These can trigger MCAS symptoms

MCAS Symptoms: Headaches, Hives, Heartburn & More

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)MCAS Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment By Amy Burkhart MD, RD   Mast cell activation syndrome, MCAS, is blamed for symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, pain, headaches, rashes, fatigue, palpitations, and more. MCAS symptoms can be triggered by foods such as…